

Practical ways to raise kind, confident, and resilient kids while becoming better at the

most important job: parenting.

dad Brian Comly dad Brian Comly

“Special Time” & PCIT: 5 Minutes To Better Behaviors

Discover the science-backed power of Special Time in parenting. Explore how Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and evidence-based strategies can strengthen your bond with your child, nurture healthy development, and create lasting family connections.

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dad Brian Comly dad Brian Comly

From Chaos To Calm: 17 Tips For Parenting Toddlers

Discover valuable tips for parenting toddlers in this comprehensive article. From creating checklists and encouraging a growth mindset to making a will and teaching breathwork, these practical strategies will help you navigate this exciting stage of development with confidence.

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dad Brian Comly dad Brian Comly

Kids Nutrition: The Importance Of Establishing Healthy Eating Habits Early

Childhood is a critical period for growth and development, which is why it’s important to establish healthy eating habits early. A nutritious diet significantly influences cardiovascular disease risk, obesity, metabolic function, and cognitive development. Recognizing factors such as parental role modeling, peer influence, and food accessibility is a good start.

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dad Brian Comly dad Brian Comly

Kids Behavior Management: 25 Parenting Tips and Tricks (Part 1)

In need of parenting strategies for managing your child's behavior? This latest article offers 25 parenting tips and tricks, including the significance of proprioceptive input, boundary-setting, and consequences. Don't miss part 1 of the multi-part series on kids’ behavior management.

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