

Practical ways to improve your mental health, intelligence, problem-solving skills, resilience, and more..

mind, body, dad Brian Comly mind, body, dad Brian Comly

100 Tips To Live A Better Life (Part 2)

This is the second part of 100 ways to live a better life based on the last 100 articles written on MindBodyDad. Become better through the lens of movement, physical and mental health, nutrition, toxins, mindset, relationships, sleep, and parenting.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

7 Of The Best “Today's Meditations” From Headspace

Here are transcripts of some of my favorite “Today’s Meditation” introductions from Headspace, where mindfulness transforms stress into inner calm, offering insights from walking meditation to proactive mindfulness and shared experiences, fostering a profound journey of self-discovery and mental resilience.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Signs Of Maturity From Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents

Discover the path to emotional maturity with insights from "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents." Learn the three main traits that define emotional maturity and the components of each one. The three main categories are: realistic and reliable, respectful and reciprocal; and responsive. Lindsay Gibson, PsyD. explains why each is important in this checklist to ensure strong connections and emotional growth and transformation.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

The 58 Best Quotes From The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant

The best quotes from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant broken up into categories of health, wealth, happiness, business, and life. Learn Naval’s best tips on how to succeed in each of these areas. His wisdom is distilled into bite-size nuggets of practical strategies and outlooks for living a better life.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Mastering Home Organization: Practical Tips & Tricks From Professional Organizer Dana Holmes

Got a disorganized home? Learn home organization strategies with Dana Holmes, owner of Home Sweet Holmes, LLC. As a professional home organizer, Dana shares practical tips and tricks to simplify modern living and create functional, organized spaces. Discover why an organized home matters, from reducing anxiety to enhancing daily life. Dive into practical advice, including the "One In – One Out" rule, optimizing prime "real estate" in each room, and creating realistic strategies for the whole family. And if you're wondering whether to hire a professional, Dana sheds light on the benefits and her personalized process to bring calm and order to your space. Join the journey from chaos to calm.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How To Be Better At Small Talk And Public Speaking With Matt Abrahams

To become better at public speaking and, my arch nemesis, small talk, I reached out to Matt Abrahams for some tips. Matt Abrahams is a Stanford lecturer, podcast host, and communication expert.. He also recently published Think Faster, Think Smarter. which,

“provides tangible, actionable skills to help even the most anxious of speakers succeed when speaking spontaneously. Abrahams provides science-based strategies for managing anxiety, responding to the mood of the room, and making content concise, relevant, compelling, and memorable.”

In this interview, you’ll learn strategies to master small talk, ways to manage public speaking anxiety, what word structures are and the best ways to use them, and modern strategies to get rid of those annoying filler words.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Best Podcasts To Listen To While Walking

A list of the best podcasts to listen to brown down into 5 categories: growth mindset, knowledge, fitness, health, and money. This is a complete list containing the best, from Freakonomics to Modern Wisdom to How to Money to my newly launched podcast, The Growth Kit.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Why Do We Complain So Much And How To Deal With Complainers With Will Bowen

Bill Bowen, author of “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted” answers my questions related to complaining. Why do we complain so much? What is the point of complaining? What are ways to deal with complainers? How does complaining affect our health? And how do I raise kids who don’t complain?

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

How To Be A Master Of Change With Brad Stulberg

In his new book, Master of Change, Brad Stulberg shares insights on how to navigate change and embrace uncertainty. Learn about the concept of allostasis, the importance of rugged flexibility, the four P's, and practical tools for responding to change skillfully. Discover how core values can guide your decisions during times of transition. Unlock your potential to thrive in the face of change.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

Decoding Modern Manners: Mastering Cell Phone at Dinner Etiquette and More with Mr. Manners

Explore the world of modern manners and etiquette with renowned etiquette expert Mr. Manners. From navigating cell phone etiquette at dinner to common faux pas and the tipping invasion, gain insights on the importance of manners and the evolving landscape of social graces. Discover Thomas Farley's expert advice on building respectful connections, mastering proper etiquette, and embracing a more considerate society.

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body Brian Comly body Brian Comly

Lessons From Sports Science Used In The Tour de France

Lessons from the sports science used in the Tour de France, the most grueling race in the world. These lessons include the importance of nutrition, teamwork, preparation, and realizing that you can push your body further. The cyclists in this race are constant reminders of how to use sports science to be better.

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mind, body, dad Brian Comly mind, body, dad Brian Comly

100 Tips To Live A Better Life

Discover 100 ways to live a better life based on the first 100 articles MindBodyDad has published. Become better through the lens of movement, health, nutrition, stress management, mindset, relationships, sleep, and parenting.

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mind Brian Comly mind Brian Comly

12 Daily Non-Negotiables

Daily non-negotiables are a way of saying “these things are really important to me so I will make sure I do them consistently to reap the rewards. See my 12 habits broken down into mind, body, and relationship categories.

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