Understanding Biodentistry: Holistic Dental Care | Dr. Dome

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Dr. Dominik Nischwitz, also known as Dr. Dome, has dedicated his career to proving this connection. As the founder of DNA Aesthetics and a pioneer in Biological Dentistry (a.k.a. biodentistry), Dr. Dome takes a holistic approach that integrates dental care with total body wellness. He’s not just a dentist but the author of It’s All In Your Mouth and an advocate for functional medicine, helping people— from world-class athletes to everyday patients—understand that true health begins in the mouth.

In this exclusive Q&A, Dr. Dome shares his expert insights on fluoride, the importance of nasal breathing, and how oral health influences everything from immune function to chronic disease.

biodentistry for better oral health

5 Questions with Biodentist, Dr. Dominik Nischwitz

1. Fluoride: Yes or no and why?

No. Biological dentistry is always team NO fluoride, as we try to avoid chemicals and unnatural substances as much as possible. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin that can potentially disrupt biological processes. It becomes increasingly unnecessary for dental health when focusing on nutrition, proper oral hygiene, and maintaining a healthy oral microbiome. Saliva naturally remineralizes teeth, if proper mineral support and nutrients are addressed. Tooth decay is not a fluoride deficiency but a deficiency in key nutrients such as vitamin d3/k2, magnesium, zinc and much more. That being said, it is important though to give patients a solid alternative as an active ingredient. We use hydroxyapatite instead.

2. How is oral health interconnected with other medical conditions?

The mouth is the gateway to the body. Oral health impacts the immune system, digestion, and contributes to chronic inflammation, which can lead to systemic issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Toxins from dental materials or infections in the mouth travel through the body, aff

ecting overall health. Taking a holistic approach through biological dentistry can transform the whole system by addressing root causes of disease, though finding a true biological dentist can sometimes be challenging​.

3. What’s the significance of nasal breathing and its impact on oral health?

Nasal breathing is essential for a healthy mouth. It filters, humidifies, and warms air, keeping oral tissues hydrated and protecting the oral microbiome. Mouth breathing dries out the mouth, leading to reduced saliva, increased risk of cavities, and gum disease​. 

4. What dietary habits are good for oral health, and which foods accelerate decay?

Good habits include eating whole, nutrient-dense foods with an emphasis on quality protein (vital for tissue repair and overall health) and healthy fats. Emphasize fresh, unprocessed foods that are high in vitamins D, K2, C, and enough protein to support dental and systemic health.
Avoid the “Core Four” foods:

  1. Sugar

  2. Gluten

  3. Conventional dairy, and

  4. Processed seed oils

These promote inflammation, weaken teeth, and disrupt the gut microbiome. For those who tolerate it, raw dairy or products from A2 cows, goats, or sheep are better options. Hidden culprits like fruit juices and sports drinks are also highly acidic and contribute to tooth decay​.

5. Oral health practices for kids?

Start early with proper brushing, flossing, and a balanced diet rich in minerals and protein for growth. Avoid fluoride toothpaste and sugary snacks. Encourage nasal breathing and proper chewing for jaw development. Stick to a holistic approach in dental care whenever possible. Measure the current vitamin D3 bloodwork and supplement if necessary to stay in an optimal range which is 60ng/ml (or 150nmol/l)

Lightning Round:

  • Oil pulling: Yes, it's a natural way to reduce bacteria and strengthen teeth. Use extra virgin coconut oil.

  • Replacing amalgam fillings: Amalgam needs to be removed safely to avoid mercury exposure - REAL Biodentists will know how to remove amalgam safely. SMART certified dentists also know the proper protocols.

  • Night mouth guards: It depends. Use only if necessary, and ensure they are BPA-free.

  • Jaw strengthening devices: It depends. Useful if prescribed for TMJ or misalignment.

  • Mouth taping: Yes, it promotes nasal breathing and better sleep quality. MBD Recc: Somnifix Mouth Strips.

  • Teeth whiteners: No. Avoid otc whiteners; opt for natural alternatives. If you want white teeth, see a professional for an in office bleaching.

  • Tongue scraping: Yes, it removes bacteria and improves hygiene. Use a copper tongue scraper, ideally.

  • Sugar-free gum: Yes, if it contains xylitol, which helps reduce harmful bacteria. MBD Recc: PUR Gum.

  • X-rays: Minimal exposure is best; x-rays are very valuable at times and needed. Trust your dentist on that one.

  • Testing the oral microbiome: Yes, it can give insights into imbalances contributing to oral or systemic health​.

  • Extra from Brian: Veneers: Can be effective but approach carefully. Consult with a skilled dentist and consider these points.

To learn more about Dr. Dome, follow him on Instagram, visit his website, or check out his book, It’s All In Your Mouth.

To find a real biodentist go to: https://directory.theinstituteofbiologicaldentistry.com/.


Brian Comly

Brian Comly, M.S., OTR/L is the founder of MindBodyDad. He’s a husband, father, certified nutrition coach, and an occupational therapist (OT). He launched MindBodyDad.com and the podcast, The Growth Kit, as was to provide practical ways to live better.


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