Practical ways to improve your body through a holistic approach: nutrition, fitness, biohacking, and more.
Q&A: Top 5 Health Tips That Go Beyond the Basics?
You exercise, eat well, and sleep enough—but what else can you do for your health? Here are 5 powerful yet overlooked longevity-boosting habits.
The Science Of Hydration & Hyponatramia With Dr. Tamara Hew-Butler
Explore hydration science with expert Dr. Tamara Hew-Butler, debunking dehydration myths and stressing the importance of thirst, electrolytes, and avoiding hyponatremia from overhydration.
What’s In My Water? Health Concerns, Water Tests, & The Best Filter
What’s in my water? The answer will surprise you. Both tap water and bottled water are causes of major concern. Learn how to test your water and what the best water filters are.
Your Kitchen Is Killing You. Tips To Eliminate Toxins.
Toxins are everywhere in your kitchen: cookware, utensils, hand soap, and even your water. These have a significant role in your health. Reduce kitchen toxins with these swaps.