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September 2022

­Hi all,


This is the first email newsletter ever from MindBodyDad.  Thanks to everyone who signed up (and to everyone who I added on through my contacts 😉).  If you hate this newsletter then feel free to unsubscribe.  If you like it then please forward it to anyone you think might also get something out of it.


Now that I have a few articles on mindbodydad.com I figured I'd start “marketing” a bit.  Being in the early stages of this ride, I don't know where it'll take me but I'm enjoying it so far.  Feel free to share feedback.





Most Popular Posts of September­­

  1. 10 Characteristics of a Great Dad

  2. How to Boost Your Testosterone

  3. 8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Happiness with Mindfulness

  4. The Minimum Effective Dose of Strength Training

  5. 8 Behavioral Sleep Tactics for the Perfect Night of Sleep

  6. Things Every Kid Should Learn in School

  7. The Productivity Guide: Using the Mind to Make the Most Out of Your Workday

  8. 8 Behavioral Sleep Tactics for the Perfect Night of Sleep




­­"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."




­­Two of the best at what they do:



"How To Build Strong and Healthy Shoulders" (GMB)

  • A straightforward progression to work up to. Although that inverted press looks like a TBI waiting to happen.­­



­­43 Dad Fails of 2022 (video)

Why Norwegian Parents Let Their Kids Nap Outside In Below-Freezing Temperatures” (Fatherly) 

  • What's tough, healthy, and normal in Norway is abusive and illegal in America.

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